Welcome to the latest instalment of the Pro Media Solutions blog. This week we’re going to take an introductory look at intelligent lighting and what it actually involves along with some of the benefits of this innovative way of controlling the lighting in your home!

What is Intelligent Lighting?

Intelligent/Smart lighting adds style, ambience, convenience and energy efficiency to your property. You can control any light in any room anywhere in the house with a simple touch or – for all you “Tony Stark” wannabes – by voice command. Intelligent lighting works around you and how you live. It responds in different ways to each situation in every room.

How does it work?

The lighting module, or a centralised lighting panel, is the heart of the system. It is several evolutionary steps beyond standard home lighting. Each light circuit can be controlled from ANY wall switch, touchscreen or hand-held device from within the property or even remotely*. For example, you could programme an “All Off” button, which would turn off every light in your property, or you could initiate a timed dimming sequence so that the lights turn off once you have left the property.

Centralised lighting is ideal for newly built houses or if you are remodelling your property – as all lighting circuits need to be wired to a central location. If you are interested in adding intelligent lighting to your home before or after a remodelling project why not get in touch. You can call us on 0345 505 1760 or email us.

Check back in a couple of weeks when we’ll give you some tips and advice on what to do if you want install intelligent lighting into your finished property. In the meantime, make sure you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

[* remote access requires an annual subscription.]